Things I'm Reading Thursday

Loving the sound of this Almond Cake and it would be pretty easy to adapt gluten free!

This dress is insanely adorable - I want to make it with both skirts!

A roundup over at the Kitchn of essential cooking souvenirs. Hopefully I'll get a chance to pick up something copper when I'm in France later this year.

More wonderful posts about Seattle; here and here.

Another update from Sheri as she walks the Camino de Santiago.

Bright Lights on Supal from Chevron & Eclairs over at Frock Files - LOVE this post series!

And now I'm totally craving fettuccine.

10 things to do in New York City for FREE!

Delancy is walking distance to my house and I can't believe I havn't been there yet.

This photo was taken in Los Altos, California.